Those Darn Liberals - Banning Bibles & Holding Hands
Checkout this info from Steve Clemons blog (linked via above title).
If you're reading this, I'm most likely singing to the choir – however, this is another ridiculous distraction from things that should matter to most Americans. If we are to take a pious view of morals, I don’t want a president that lies and deceives to put lives at risk; spends billions to occupy another country. Iraq, Haliburton, WMD, rising health care costs, failures of "no child left behind", job loss, underemployment, the environment, the bastardization of the patriot act, etc. -- these are issues that should matter to us. The first ammendment will protect the bible, you dumb fucks!!! (Please note if you're an immediate reader of A.S.S., you're not a dumb fuck and thanks for reading.) Don't get distracted by these simpleton fear appeals.
To paraphrase a bumper sticker (look, my philosophy fits on a bumper sticker): when Jesus said “love your neighbor,” I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean kill them.
Remember to vote on November 2.
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