W stands for Wrong
Taking a page out of the current administration's argument and persuasion techniques, I will present my case, not back it up with credible evidence and hope that it convinces you. Here it goes:
W stands for wrong. Dubbya is wrong on just about everything that really matters to most Americans. (now for dramatic purposes, I will rest a beat then repeat). Dubbya is wrong on just about everything that really matters to most Americans. (If you're not convinced, I'll invoke the need to protect our country or talk about how our God is better than their God.) Don't let the terrorists win.
Tomorrow’s lesson: H is for Haliburton. That will be followed by a math lesson and logic problem that teaches us how to misunderstimate (sic, as in Dubbya is a sick puppy) by billions the cost of nation building in the Middle East. Carl Sagan would have a hard time computing the billions and billions of dollars in cost overruns by this administration. (Too soon for a Carl Sagan joke?)
For extra credit check out http://www.misleader.org/
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