De-freaking-cide already!
The media is already weighing in to claim that the spirited debate last night didn't sway many of the undecided voters. [registration required] Frankly, I'm sick and tired of "the undecided voter." If you haven't seen enough since 2000 to decide that George W. Bush is a terrible president (and commander-in-chief and, for that matter, de facto CEO), you should stay away from the polls altogether, because you clearly lack the cognitive abilities necessary to distinguish, say, truth and falsehood, war and peace, success and failure. And okay, maybe Kerry's not the magical candidate everyone hopes for - aka the second coming on the philandering glory-hound JFK - but he's a far sight better than W, both positively (he can offer a real vision of the future, not just rehashed rhetoric about the war on terror and tax relief) and negatively (he's not the one who's let Osama bin Laden run free since 9/11). Undecideds, please: de-freaking-cide already, or get out of the way.
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