Wednesday, October 13, 2004

How is a wingnut like your gall bladder?

They're both full of bile.

Digby has posted some of the hideously uncompassionate reactions by wingnuts to Christopher Reeve's death. My favorite:

"I have a feeling that Kerry was tipped off about Reeve's condition prior to the 2nd debate, which is why he mentioned him along with Michael J. Fox. You can bet Kerry will again mention Reeve at the 3rd debate. It is this crude, blatant exploitation of the disabled and afflicted, which make the Dems so despicable. They provide false hope in order to win debating points and votes. The implication will be that GWB caused the death of Reeve."

Simply nauseating, but also perfectly in tune with their callous candidate.

(This link via Michael Berube.)