Friday, October 01, 2004

Momentum is on the way…

Ok, silly paraphrase of “hope is on the way.” I’m excited about three things that should help bring momentum back to the Kerry campaign and left leaning causes. Which in turn should help sway the undecided voters.

1. The Debate: Kerry is presidential, Bush is still a dope.
2. Tom Delay: Corrupt
3. House Votes: Don’t mess with the constitution.

1. John Kerry won the debate. He looked and sounded presidential. Bush was a bumbling buffoon when the camera was on him and a petulant child with the cutaway camera shots. No wonder his handlers wanted to keep the cutaway shots out. My favorite part of the debate:

KERRY: Just because the president says it can't be done, that you'd lose China, doesn't mean it can't be done. I mean, this is the president who said There were weapons of mass destruction, said Mission accomplished, said we could fight the war on the cheap -- none of which were true.
We could have bilateral talks with Kim Jong Il. And we can get those weapons at the same time as we get China. Because China has an interest in the outcome, too.
LEHRER: Thirty seconds, Mr. President.
BUSH: You know my opinion on North Korea. I can't say it any more plainly.
LEHRER: Well, but when he used the word truth again...
BUSH: Pardon me?
LEHRER: ... talking about the truth of the matter. He used the word truth again. Did that raise any hackles with you?
BUSH: Oh, I'm a pretty calm guy. I don't take it personally.
LEHRER: OK. All right.

What? Well on to the next point…

2. Ok, Tom Delay, where are your ethics? New York Times reports House Ethics Panel Says DeLay Tried to Trade Favor for a Vote. Texas-based Republicans and their ethics continue to frighten and confuse me.

3. This one seems good for everyone. The House followed the Senate and defeated the ban on the constitution. As reported by AP:

The House followed the Senate in decisively rejecting a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, ending for this year debate on what has become the dominant issue for the Republican Party's conservative base.
Matt can this really be good for everyone? Well Matt, I'm glad that you've asked me that question. I may have stretched the truth, but seriously are we really trying to get to some form of emperical truth in this blog? While I've evaded your question, I will go back to my stump... protecting civil rights is a good thing. Not bastardizing the federal constitution, that too is a good thing. You see, there's nothing complicated about protecting our constitution. If you’re against gay marriage, don’t have one. So, you see everyone wins. We've turned the corner.

On a side note, I can’t wait to see the VP debates. John Grisham…er, I mean John Edwards should hold up quite well. I hope that Cheney’s pacemaker is tuned up. Otherwise, it’s going to be another grabber, after he tells the rookie lawyer from Memphis…I mean the rookie senator from North Carolina to…well, for the sake of the kids, I'll leave it at that – as we all know how the refined VP talks to people in debates.