Monday, February 28, 2005

Oscars Wrap-up

Well, so the Oscars are over for another year and I'm feeling that post-party letdown. I correctly predicted 16 of the categories, maintaining my 3 year streak. I was pretty happy with the awards this year; I mostly thought the people who deserved to win, did win. Thoughts in brief:

Chris Rock: Best. Host. EVER. Loved the political and personal commentary. He managed to be hilarious and edgy without going too far for the audience/venue. I hope they get him again for next year.

Sean Penn: Jesus. Get a fucking sense of humor, will you? Jude Law does not need you to come to his defense.

Fashion: Yeah. As my friend Rin said: "why are all the dresses the same silhouette?" No one looked awful, but no one really stood out either. Actually, on second thought, Renee Zellweger looked pretty awful. Apparently she's lost all her subcutaneous fat except in her eyes. And what was up with Scarlett Johansson's hair? I love Scarlett, but get that girl some frizz-ease, stat!

Music: WAAAAAYYYYY too much Beyoncé. Lord, have mercy.

Speeches: My favorite speech was Jorge Drexler's for "Best Song" - 1) he's hot, and 2) his version of "Al Otro Lado Del Río" was much better than the Santana/Banderas version played earlier. Second best speech: Morgan Freeman. Short and sweet.

Presenters: Was it just me, or was Dustin Hoffman totally shitfaced?

So that's it until next year. Have a Bloody Mary to take the edge off the hangover, and enjoy catching up on crap movies, since all the good ones will be sold/rented/netflix'ed out.