Apologia/Shameless Self-Promotion
Posting will remain light this week, as I'm in the middle of opening a show and am spending all my free time painting the set, reassuring the tech director, hanging curtains, figuring out the sound system, conferring with the director, etc., etc., etc. In other words, not so much with the blogging. Speaking of which ...
I have this theatre company? And we're opening this show? Yeah, so if you like provocative theatre, and you're in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, you should come and visit. We're doing Oleanna, by David Mamet - not necessarily my favorite playwright, but the director has made some very interesting choices and this one will be worth checking out. Please feel free to stop on by! Especially if you're a reviewer for a major paper!
Theatre Limina Presents
By David Mamet

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