Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Cunt, dammit. CUNT!

OK, now that I have your attention, get a load of this. I don't typically pay too much attention to "lad mags" like GQ or Maxim, because, you know: I'm not a guy, nor am I riddled with anxiety about my heterosexuality. And while I assume that a certain base-level sexism is operating in those publications, I don't usually bother getting too riled up about it - I believe in saving my energy for the fights that really count. BUT. This, via Mighty Girl, is a bit much:

I'm referring specifically to "The Forbidden Word," which is ostensibly an article about the devastating affect of the word "cunt" on the female psyche. In actuality, it's this amazing outline of the author's own insecurities about his virility, and his open rage at the feminist movement. It's super creepy and seriously fascinating in a "how is this a cover story in a mainstream publication" sort of way.

Also GQ has it listed in the Advice section. Sweet! Check out this solid "advice," fellas:

"When I find myself cornered by a woman, my very masculinity in jeopardy, there is something more important than love: making her feel filthy and subhuman."

"Use it and you have every right to fear a call to the police within five minutes. 'That's it,' you can imagine your partner saying. 'I'm packing my stuff and going to a shelter.' Even worse, most shelters would probably take her."

"Maybe men should be grateful for this word, still capable in a way that nothing else is of turning back the social clock to a time when women's self-esteem didn't impinge on ours."
I can't find the article online, and I refuse to buy it, but it's out there, in the issue with a scantily-clad Jessica Alba on the cover. Look, I know a lot of people do find the c-word offensive. I myself prefer the term "pussy." But hell if I'm going to be psychically damaged by someone tossing the term "cunt" at me - especially not by a wanker like the author of this article! Thank god I'm regularly surrounded by enlightened men or I might start to get cranky with owners of the Y chromosome.