Friday, April 08, 2005

Steve, Don’t Eat It

Please, please visit this blog/webzine. The Steve, Don’t Eat It section of The Sneeze is genius. It’s like an non homo-erotic, web-friendly version of Jackass.

Steve on Potted Meat:

Inside is a smooth, oddly pink meat paste. So smooth, in fact, I dare call it creamy." (I actually got a little gaggy just typing that.) Surprisingly, it was a little spicier than I expected. Although, that sensation may have been a by-product of my tastebuds dying.

Have a great weekend.

P.S. The Sox magic number is still at 160, as they choked in the ninth yesterday. A three-run lead with three outs to go and they lose. Let my manic-depressive fan activities commence. In related news, I will be at the Sox/Twins game on Sunday. Bill Veeck where are you?