Weekend blogrolling
Recently added to our highly exclusive and desireable blogroll:
- 42 - after all, it IS the answer to the life, the universe, and everything.
- Big Brass Blog - from the folks who brought you Shakespeare's Sister, Pam's House Blend, the Dark Wraith, and others.
- Blondesense - worth it for the cheescake photos alone, not to mention the fine commentary.
- Enough About You - funny! And local! And did I mention funny?
- Majikthise - feminism + analytic philosophy = right up our alley.
- Pam's House Blend - why I haven't blogrolled her before, I don't know. She's a daily read.
- Pharyngula - evolutionary science wonk.
- Pinko Feminist Hellcat - possibly my favoritely-named blog EVER.
- Rook's Rant - also local. Also awesome.
- Seeing the Forest - for the trees, man. For the trees.
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