Thursday, May 12, 2005

Freud & Fingers

Last night I dreamt that I met Rollie Fingers (great porn name, great porn mustache). I wish I new the meaning of the dream. Any insight or insults would be appreciated. Here's the summary of the dream:

I meet Mr. Fingers in a non-descript bar in a non-descript town. It could have been Minneapolis, but it felt more like Rockford, IL. Rollie still has the fantastic handlebar mustache. I ask him how he cultivated such a masterpiece. He then became very upset saying the image of the mustache overtook the man and he doesn't really know who he is anymore. He fought back tears as he continued to stammer something about the price of celebrity and handlebar wax as he walks out. I feel a bit awkward and think "that's not the interaction I was hoping for and I guess I'm not getting an autograph."

Have fun.