Tuesday, May 31, 2005

It all starts with the poets ...

Via alert reader Alex, I see that our beloved governor has quashed SF877, a bill calling for the establishment of an official state Poet Laureate. The bill, which was overwhelmingly supported in both the state house and senate, would have appointed a Poet Laureate to promote and celebrate poetry around the state - at no expense to taxpayers. Given all the governor's rhetoric about establishing rigid educational standards, you'd think he'd be the first to support an initiative that enhances education without the use of taxpayer funds, right? WRONG. See, we can't have a poet laureate because that would open the floodgates. I mean, sure, one poet laureate isn't so bad, but what's next? An official state chalk artist? I mean, WHERE DOES IT END?!!?

You think I'm exaggerating? Here's the verbatim text from the governor's letter of explanation:

I do, however, object to the creation of a State 'Poet Laureate' position. While respectful and appreciative of the arts, I do not believe Minnesota needs an official state poet. We can benefit from the richness and diversity of all the poets in Minnesota and recognize and embrace their work as merit and circumstances warrant. Even though we have a state 'folklorist,' I also have some concern this will lead to calls for other similar positions. We could see requests for a state mime, interpretive dancer, or potter. So I draw the line here and veto Chapter 108, Senate File 877.

So you can see the governor's infinite wisdom in "drawing the line." Heaven forfend that we should have an official state potter, for chrissake. I mean, someone has to think of the children! As Alex says, "I'm not totally surprised at his veto, but the rhetoric he uses in his official letter clearly indicates his biases and reestablishes his arrogance for anyone who may have lost sight of it." If you'd like to express your concern about the governor's blatant disregard for the humanities and literary education, please feel free to email him at tim.pawlenty@state.mn.us.