Monday, May 02, 2005

More abortion insanity

I hope all A.S.S. readers are also reading Bitch, PhD on a daily basis, but just in case you're not: she has an excellent set of posts up right now about the Florida case involving a 13 year-old girl who is being denied her constitutional right to an abortion. From the AP article:

The girl learned she was pregnant two weeks ago and planned to have an abortion Tuesday. Her caseworker arranged for transportation and help. But the state Department of Children & Families asked a Palm Beach County juvenile judge Tuesday morning to block the procedure.

The state agency argued the 13 1/2-week pregnant girl — described as L.G. in court documents — is too young and immature to make an informed medical decision, according to the ACLU appeal.

Yeah, good reasoning. Too young to decide to have an abortion, but plenty old enough to have a kid. Jesus. Anyway, go see what Bitch has to say: start here, then go here and here.