Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Top 5 Music Meme

Travis tagged me for the music blog meme. I could be all blasé and act like I'm reluctant, but frankly I frickin' love making lists like this, and I'm thrilled to be tagged! So here goes:

A. Top Five Lyrics that Move Your Heart:

  1. Aimee Mann, "Wise Up": It’s not what you thought/When you first began it/You got what you want/Now you can hardly stand it though/By now you know it’s not/Going to stop/It’s not going to stop/It’s not going to stop/’til you wise up
  2. U2, "Running to Stand Still": She runs through the streets/With her eyes painted red/Under black belly of cloud in the rain/In through a doorway she brings me/White gold and pearls stolen from the sea/She is raging/She is raging/and the storm blows up in her eyes/She will suffer the needle chill/She is running to stand still
  3. Leonard Cohen, "Sisters of Mercy": Well they lay down beside me/I made my confession to them/They touched both my eyes/And I touched the dew on their hem/If your life is a leaf/That the seasons tear off and condemn/They will bind you with love/That is graceful and green as a stem
  4. Frou Frou, "Let Go": So, let go/Jump in/Oh well, what you waiting for?/It's all right/'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown/So, let go/Just get in/Oh, it's so amazing here/It's all right/'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
  5. Ben Folds, "The Luckiest":I don’t get many things right the first time/In fact, I am told that a lot/Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls/Brought me here/And where was I before the day/That I first saw your lovely face?/Now I see it everyday/And I know/That I am/I am/I am/The luckiest
B. Top 5 Instrumentals:
  1. New Orleans Instrumental No. 1 (REM)
  2. Tommib (Squarepusher)
  3. Take Five (Dave Brubeck)
  4. Start Spangled Banner (Jimi Hendrix)
  5. Tommy Overture (The Who)
C. Top 5 Live Musical Experiences:
  1. Paul Simon in Central Park, August 15, 1991. My sister and I took the train in early with a picnic lunch and got a spot close to the stage; when Chevy Chase came out for the encore of "You Can Call me Al" everybody went CRAZY.
  2. Richie Havens, random Ohio folk festival, July 1994. I don't remember where it was, but we had to drive a ways to get there from Columbus. It was pouring rain the entire time, but we put up our umbrellas and watched Havens work his magic. Amazing.
  3. Paul McCartney, Biker Like an Icon tour, May? 1993. Incredible visuals, incredible voice.
  4. David Bowie, Glass Spider Tour, October 1987. I was deep, deep into my Bowie crush and I managed to get 20th row tickets by sleeping out overnight outside the Electric Fetus. Ah, high school.
  5. U2, Vertigo Tour, September 2005. Yeah, I know I haven't even gone to this yet, but I have floor tickets, people. There's no WAY this isn't going make the top 5.
D. Top Five Artists You Think More People Should Listen To:
  1. Martin Sexton
  2. Spaghetti Western
  3. Steeleye Span
  4. Värttinä
  5. They Might Be Giants
E. Top Five Albums You Must Hear From Start to Finish:
  1. Deja Vu (Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young)
  2. Jar of Flies (Alice in Chains)
  3. Sea Change (Beck)
  4. Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (David Bowie)
  5. OK Computer (Radiohead)
F. Top Five Musical Heroes:
  1. Annie Lennox - hot, voice to die for, spans genres, hot ...
  2. Aretha - there's only one.
  3. Madonna - I know I'll get shit for this, but dammit, I love Madonna. And she's a fucking groundbreaker, so deal.
  4. Pete Seeger - a one man folk revolution
  5. Bono - he puts his money where his mouth is, and he still has the passion after all this time.
Phew! Check out Christopher's selections over at his other blog. Meanwhile, I will tag Katy, Alex and ae.