Thursday, June 16, 2005

DSM Frenzy

OK, I am only *temporarily* de-lurking because there is SO MUCH happening with the Downing Street memo today and I'm feeling guilty that I haven't been keeping y'all apprised. Fortunately, not everyone in the blogosphere is finishing their dissertation, so here's a list of links that will keep you well-informed:

* The hearings have begun! Shakes Sis is liveblogging them, and it's good reading. She also has a roundup of coverage in the MSM, including the Strib, the LA Times, and Newsweek.

* Kevin Drum sounds off on the administration's quibbling over what "fixed" means (as in, "intelligence was being fixed.")

* Freiheit und Wissen reflects on the growing squeamishness of Republican leaders at being associated with Dear Leader.

*The Heretik provides a round up of coverage in the blogosphere.

* And finally, don't forget to check the BBA homepage, which is choc-full of DSM related tidbits.

OK. Guilt temporarily assuaged. Back to work!