Friday, June 03, 2005

Friday Read 'ems

Sorry for the light posting today. I'm battling a tight schedule and MASSIVE PMS, so, you know. There it is. I'll post the Friday Poem later this evening, but to tide you over, here are some other worthwhile reads:

* Ezra offers some thoughts on electoral politics in his "Against Incrementalism" post.

* Echidne rips conservative revisionists a new one.

* Feministing highlights the Summit on Women in Hip Hop, happening right here in Minneapolis.

* Amanda at Pandagon has an AWESOME idea for keeping us bloggrrrlz in the public eye, and Belle Waring wants to join in.

* John McGowan, subbing for Michael B�rub�, gives an extremely insightful analysis of the wingnut reaction to the Amnesty International report on human rights.

* And last but not least: my favorite hometown rag, the Strib, publishes the Downing Street Memo at the request of its readers. The word, as the kids say, is getting out.

Now git out thar an' do some readin'!
Update: Removed one link on the good advice of Elayne. See comments for more info.