Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hump-day Top 5

Wednesdays. Why do they suck so much? Truly, a question for the ages. Speaking of questions, here's one that's less "for the ages" than it is "for wasting time this afternoon": What are your top 5 irrational fears? Note: that's irrational, so fears about the wanker-in-chief stacking the court with choice-hating judges, and stuff like that, don't count. Here are mine:

1. Spiders. Oh, god ... they scare the ever-lovin' crap out of me. I can't even touch pictures of spiders.

2. Falling down stairs. This is a more recent one, and since I can't remember the last time I actually fell down stairs, I don't know why this freaks me out so much, but it totally does.

3. Centipedes. Only slightly less completely creepy than spiders. And don't tell me "they don't bite!" I KNOW THAT, PEOPLE. They wouldn't kill me from biting: they'd kill me by creepy-crawlying me to death.

4. Being abandoned by everyone I love. In a sense, it's not irrational to fear this, since it would truly be awful if it actually happened. But seeing as how I'm surrounded by scads of the most loving and supportive friends and family in the world, it's not a real likely scenario.

5. Having my current job for the rest of my life. Please, please, PLEASE let this be an irrational fear. Amen.