Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hump-day Top 5 List

Hump-day + headache / overloaded with work = time for this week's Top 5 list!! This week's topic: Top 5 long-shot nominees to the Supreme Court. The idea here is to nominate people you think would be better than anyone who would ever actually be nominated. Please don't feel constrained by any petty notions of chronology, corporeal reality, or species-ism. Here's my list:

1. Yoda - mostly because his syntax is so screwed up they'd be reinterpreting his decisions for generations to come.

2. Superman - hello, he's already been the head of the Hall of Justice! Who's more experienced than that?

3. Xena, Warrior Princess - she's progressive, she's hot, and she could kick Scalia's ass.

4. Jimmy Carter - because I freaking love Jimmy Carter, and so does Sarah Vowell.

5. Sarah Vowell - SCOTUS could use a healthy dose of intelligent Gen-X cynicism.

Who do you nominate?