Friday, September 09, 2005

ASS: A Year in the Blogsphere

Greetings ASS fans, and you know who you are. We'd like to thank you for your patronage and support over the past year. Yup, one year. It's been fun, flip, frustrating, frenetic and at times frivolous. I'm looking forward to contributing to ASS for another year. When I think about Elise, Christopher and Alex, I think about the card that said "When you were born they broke the mold…and beat the hell out of the mold-maker." I have to be cautious as I don't want to be too sappy. In short, thanks to the ASS collaborators and conspirators for making life a little more fun.

When we were talking about ASS over a year ago, and we talk about ASS quite a bit, I thought my role was going to be purveyor of periodic pop culture rants; instead they've been a bit more political. I thought that I'd comment more about the obscure; instead I've posted comments that'd I'd hope serve as some neg-force against obfuscation. Elise thought she might post once or twice a week, little knowing how quickly the blogging addiction would demand multiple daily posts. Christopher's managed both ASS blogging and his personal blog, and Alex was rescued from certain blogging oblivion by joining the ASS team. (And really, who doesn't want to be on an ASS team?) While we've drifted off course, we'll forgive ourselves, as we're living (or blogging) in a target-rich environment. I guess we didn't know where this blog was going when we started, but I have to say the journey's been pretty cool. It appears that we still have three-plus years of this administration and pop culture is continuing to produce some grade-A crap. So, we suspect that we'll be able to rant for a while.

While America works to get the Mississippi-delta area back together, I'll end with a quote from a politician I didn't care for, but in hindsight wouldn't mind having back in office. Slick Willie said: "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America." I hope that we continue to cultivate what is good and right.

I wish all of you the best.
