Thursday, September 15, 2005

Is it just me, or is this really scary?

So: the war in Iraq. Started as an unprovoked preemptive strike against a country of debatable danger to the US. Hasn't exactly been a [heavy irony] huge success [/heavy irony]. Now imagine if the so called "shock and awe" campaign had been nuclear. No, not metaphorically: actually, literally nuclear. 'Cuz that's what Georgie and the boys are planning for next time:

WASHINGTON The U-S is considering rewriting its nuclear doctrine for the age of terrorism.

A Pentagon planning document spells out America's willingness to use nuclear weapons in a preemptive strike if terrorists threaten the U-S or its allies with weapons of mass destruction.

President Bush stated such a policy three years ago, and a draft of it [pdf] is on the Pentagon's Web site.

The draft says weapons of mass destruction are proliferating, increasing the possibility they might be used by even a non-state group. And it notes that could happen on purpose or through miscalculation.

In such situations, the draft says deterrence might fail and the U-S would have to be prepared to use nuclear weapons if necessary.

The draft notes that any such attack would require "explicit orders from the president."

I love that last line. Like that's supposed to reassure us or something. Now here's what I wanna know: what does it take for this draft to become actual policy? I hope to christ it would need majority congressional support at the very least, because right now I don't see this passing congress. But if this can just be implemented at the will of the chimp-in-chief, god help us all. (Thanks to alert reader Craig for the link.)

UPDATE: From what I can tell in looking at this WaPo article, it looks like this only has to be approved by Rumsfeld and Chimpy before it goes into effect. So ... I'll just start planning my move to Sweden then, shall I?