Thursday, October 27, 2005

Asked and answered

I make it a point not to watch Fox News, because, you know: it totally sucks. But the Colbert Report last night showed a clip from "Fox & Friends" (Which has to be the most fucking juvenile name for an adult-oriented show EVER) and a bunch of asshat pundits were going on about how the 2000 threshold that we've just passed for US dead in Iraq was essentially a meaningless number and it was just the liberal media making a big fuss over nothing. One woman, in particular, kept saying "I just don't see why *this* number is any more important than any *other* number, I mean, I just don't *get* it." It was pretty nausea inducing, and this is the kind of crap that tends to render me pre-verbal with outrage. Thank god, then, for Mike Luckovich: If someone asks you why this number is so important, here's the best damn response you can give.