Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hump-day Top 5 List

Skills. I have some, sure, but I wish I had a lot more. Recently, I was looking at some paintings a friend of mine is getting ready for an exhibit, and she was all freaking out that they were crap, nobody would like them, etc., etc., and I was like: I would kill to be able to produce works like that! So, today's list should answer the question: what are the top five skills you wish you had? These can be practical, world changing, or merely frivolous, I don't care. Let it rip. Here are mine:

1. Fluency in multiple languages (German, French, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese would be nice).

2. The ability to shake my ass like Shakira. That would rule.

3. Perfect pitch.

4. Expertise in welding.

5. Photographic memory.

What's on your list?