Hump Day Top 5 List
I know it's after Halloween, but only just, so today's list will be Halloween themed. And because we're all about choice here at A.S.S., you can choose from several possible list options, all related to halloween booty. (The pirate kind, not the Shakira kind. Naughty!) So you get to pick. Either your top 5 favorite kinds of Halloween treats, your top 5 LEAST favorite Halloween treats, or your top 5 weirdest Halloween treats. And because I'm a generous, giving person, I'll do all three.
Favorite treats:
1. Mini candy bars, especially Mounds and 3 Musketeers.
2. Caramel apples. Yes, I'm old enough that they still gave you those at Halloween.
3. Popcorn balls.
4. Sugar daddys.
5. Pixie sticks
Least favorite treats:
1. Baggies full of pennies.
2. Peanut butter taffy wrapped in orange and black paper.
3. Bit O'Honey. Blech.
4. Anything licorice flavored.
5. Anything with a razor in it.
Weirdest treats: (I've actually gotten all of these)
1. Corn nuts. Lamest and weirdest.
2. McDonald's gift certificates. Wha?
3. Granola bars.
4. Diabetic sugar free hard candy.
5. Jehovah's Witness psycho tract.
OK, your turn. Let 'er rip!
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