Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I just have one question ...

Why the hell can't John McCain call Cheney out on supporting torture? WHY? Jon Stewart just gave him a huuuuuuuge opening to denounce Cheney's stance, and all McCain could do was offer some platitude about how they have an "honest disagreement" and he knows that Cheney loves his country and "sincerely believes this is what's best for us."

Well, FUCK THAT. This is the kind of crap that makes me really dislike McCain the politician (though I think I'd probably enjoy McCain the man). I mean, McCain of all people should be able to make a fuss about this - and the public would eat it up! And yes, I know that McCain has been instrumental in introducing anti-torture bills. And that's good. But then why doesn't he have the courage of his convictions? I'll tell you why: as his voting record shows, when it comes to politics, McCain is 100% GOP, and that means no public dissing of Darth.