Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Vote Today

A reminder for many of us in the Twin Cities area, especially Minneapolis and St. Paul. Hopefully you'll have a better time than I did this morning.

Old Election Judge: Last Name?
Me: Arnold
Election Judge: Why are you in this line?
Me: It's the one that says A-H
Election Judge: Yeah, that's for last names? What's your last name?
Me: Arnold
Election Judge: Anderson?
Me: Arnold (and I pull out my ID)
Otherand Older Election Judge: You don't need your ID if you're registered. Once you sign, it's an oath and you can be prosecuted.
Me: Unless you live in Ohio or Florida
Both Election Judges: (blink)
First Election Judge: Oh, Arnold, Matthew. You were right, it's Arnold. What's your address?

God bless America.