Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My new favorite number

Whoa. 34%! It's a good thing Dubya doesn't read the papers, because that's gotta be a downer.

(CBS) The latest CBS News poll finds President Bush's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34 percent, while pessimism about the Iraq war has risen to a new high. [...]

For the first time in this poll, most Americans say the president does not care much about people like themselves. Fifty-one percent now think he doesn't care, compared to 47 percent last fall.

Just 30 percent approve of how Mr. Bush is handling the Iraq war, another all-time low.

By two to one, the poll finds Americans think U.S. efforts to bring stability to Iraq are going badly – the worst assessment yet of progress in Iraq.

Even on fighting terrorism, which has long been a strong suit for Mr. Bush, his ratings dropped lower than ever. Half of Americans say they disapprove of how he's handling the war on terror, while 43 percent approve.

OK, I haven't been keeping track of this, and I'm sure Kevin will post a graph later, but this has gotta be one of the lowest approval ratings for a US president, like, EVER. That's gotta have some impact at the polls this fall, right? Dear god, please let it have impact at the polls.