Monday, April 24, 2006

The Snow Was Too Loud

Wes Anderson makes some good movies. Rushmore is one of my (generation's) all-time favorites. Only those who wish for the victory of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi do not like Rushmore. Though come to think of it, I still haven't seen The Life Aquatic.

But no mind: I have just seen Anderson's genius piece for American Express. It's an advert but it's also a spoof, much like our lives. Jason Schwartzman is in it. And watch for his assistant's magic banana and his transfigured snack. Your boss won't mind if you go watch.

(Goldenfiddle already stole the clip's best line for its own blurb's title, but no mind - I subverted the hell out of their paradigm and used a different one.)