Tuesday, June 13, 2006

No More Sissy Soap

Spending some more time at home over the past few days has meant more TV. I'm happy to say that some cutting-edge marketing folks are starting to take a new demographic very seriously. I'm talking about men. They make up almost half of the population, but until now haven't really had anything marketed to them. Thanks for taking a stand marketing men. From the liberation front of BK to taking back the bathroom, men, find your spine, your scent, your Flomax and don't back down.

Marketing for MEN great idea!!!! Seriously, very original. You should be proud of yourselves in a very manly way. Who bought off on the Dial for Men campaign? You know Dial, that sissy soap that killed germs. Well, turns out that it must of been mothering and smothering those germs, because men need to take back the bathroom. Please, what hacks write this tripe and what boneheads buy off on this junk?

Better clean up with some manly-man soap before you go to Friday's for their meat platter (BEEF!! PORK!!! RIBS!!!). I hope to God they don't have my tractor pull event presented on one of those new Sony TVs that are for men AND women.

I fear that the writers of beer commercials have breeched security and are now taking a faux homme campaign to new fronts. I need my commodity chain restaurants manly and my soap manlier. That can be a man-law, right?

Seriously, I can understand a new product campaign/brand extension based on gender when the brand had previously been known as being for one gender. Especially, higher-end cosmetic companies introducing skincare products for men. But Dial soap? Ugh! If you're that much of a man, you'd use Lava. Then take some Flomax, so your homo-erotic fishing adventures aren't interrupted by frequent trips to the bathroom.

(cross posted at Sanctioning Agent).