Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Plastinates Gone Wild: A different type of exploitative industry

Last Friday, Pam and I took Fiona and Pam’s mom to Body Worlds exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota . Yeah, we know how to make my mother-in-law feel welcome and we’re not exactly providing some warm-cuddlies for the kid. Dead schmead, this is science.

Frankly, I was intrigued with the exhibit, both as I was able to fly my inner-geek-science-fair-freak-flag for just a few hours and from a sociological perspective (so that’s what happens when you sign the consent form and lose your skin… or holy shit a whole freakin’ tribe of skinless plastinates).

Enter China, who hasn’t seen a bloated manufacturing economy it doesn’t want to undercut. More from the NY Times.

What if Joe Francis was there to film the whole thing? Order now and see what happens when plastinates are on spring break for the first time. Show us your scapulas!!!