Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Blogs, they are a growin'

Sifry's Alerts has posted some fascinating stats on the growth of the blogitat (blogtopia, blogosphere, blogovia ...) in the past year. (David Sifry is the CEO of Technorati.) Check out these visuals:

In case you can't read the tiny type, as of March 2005, there's a new blog being created every 2.2 seconds. Also, as you can see, a huge jump starting in December. But not only are more blogs being created - we're also posting more often to those blogs:

You can see where some of the spikes seem to be connected to big news events like the tsunami and the elections; overall we're posting at a rate of about 5.8 posts per second.

It's interesting stuff, and Sifry will be continuing the series with a look at how blogs compare to the MSM. (via Boing Boing)