So This Sucks
It's not like I have high expectations of quality when it comes to so-called "reality" TV programming. But this, via Pam, is surely a new low:
A new reality series in which three white, self-described "Christian" families get to pick their new neighbors from among a group of minority families is already drawing fire.
And it hasn't even aired yet.
The show is called "Welcome to the Neighborhood" and it's coming to ABC July 10.
"I will not tolerate a homosexual couple coming into this neighborhood," one of the neighbors, Jim Stewart, says on the show about one of the candidate families - a gay couple with an adopted baby.
"I want a family similar to what we are," asserts another neighbor, John Bellamy, in a statement that would seem to dismiss at least six out of the seven candidate families.
The diverse group includes African-American, Caucasian, Korean, Latino and gay families, plus one family in which husband and wife are heavily tattooed, and another in which mom and dad are devoted to the practice of Wicca, sometimes known as witchcraft or paganism.
The show's first two episodes are filled with statements such as those above.
ABC, of course, is marketing the show as an excercise in tolerance, claiming that "the judges find themselves learning to see people, not stereotypes." Memo to ABC: Y'all can kiss my lily-white ass. The only tolerance being exercised in this situation is the American viewing public's tolerance for crappy, condescending, racist programming. I can't imagine why any of the "diverse" families would want to engage in this, but I'm sure as hell not gonna watch it.
If you're interested in a sincere investigation into learned prejudices, check out Morgan Spurlock's new show, "30 Days."
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