Thursday, September 23, 2004

Blood and Treasure: The Costs of the Iraq War (So Far)

The National Priorities Project has released some fascinating and awful data on the state-by-state costs of the war in Iraq.

Minnesota's details:
11 soldiers killed
101 soldiers wounded
$3.4 billion for what Congress has allocated so far
Another $1.1 billion more for each year the U.S. remains beyond 2004
3,804 Reservists and National Guard troops on active duty

Each state report goes on to summarize, in good debate-with-a-conservative fashion, how the war is not winding down and how the war as not made us safer. As Rummy might've said before he retreated into his spider hole, those facts are known knowns. The merit of the full NPP report is that it substantiates those points with solid, frightening information about the monetary and human costs of the war for Americans and for the rest of the world. And of course, these costs will only rise.