What She Said!
You know how, every so often when you're blogging around the liberal blogosphere, the "where are all the woman bloggers" question arises? Well, you might not know. But it does, and it usually results in some handwringing among the men, along with some fairly uncritical attempts at explanation. You know: Maybe it's because men are more comfortable in the virtual environment. Or: Maybe women are less interested in focusing on political topics. Or, in an attempt to be sensitive: Maybe they're too busy.
Well, it's all crap, of course. We're out here in huge numbers, blogging like crazy - some on team blogs, like this one, some going it alone. And every time that conversation rears its ugly head, we get kind of irritated! Which is why I am most pleased to direct your attention to What She Said, your new one-stop shop for bloggers of the female persuasion. It just got up and running last week, courtesy Morgaine Swann of The Goddess, and there are already over 250 blogs listed. So go check it out, and tell all your friends!
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