Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Go Joe!

I'm a little late on this, having read about it on This Modern World last night, but this is worth spreading around, just for the weirdness factor.

CNN) -- A photograph posted on an Islamist Web site appears to be that of an action figure and not a U.S. soldier being held hostage.

Liam Cusack, the marketing coordinator for Dragon Models USA, said the figure pictured on the Web site is believed to be "Special Ops Cody," a military action figure the company manufactured in late 2003.

"It pretty much looks exactly like the same person," he said.
Here's the picture:

Now, the question I have to ask is: Jigga who? I just don't get this. I mean, I'm glad it's just an action figure and not a real soldier, but what a weird tactic! Was this some kind of sick practical joke, or were the jihadists just bored that day? More.