Monday, March 28, 2005

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack

... and I'm pissed. Partly because it's FINALLY SPRING and I had to get up at the ass-crack of dawn and come to yucky, yucky work after spending last week on the far more satisfying task of dissertating. But equally because there's so much CRAP going on out there in the world. To wit:

1. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Army officials have decided not to prosecute 17 soldiers involved in the deaths of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, a military report says.

2. (from the same article as 1.): "We take each and every death very seriously and are committed and sworn to investigating each case with the utmost professionalism and thoroughness," said Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Criminal Investigation Command.

3. WASHINGTON -- Government documents released last week say the abuse of prisoners in Iraq by US forces was more widespread than has been reported. An officer found that detainees ''were being systematically and intentionally mistreated" at a holding facility near Mosul in December 2003.

What the fuck, people? WHAT. THE. FUCK. How can this administration countenance such an astronomically high level of internal inconsistency without just ... exploding or something? I mean, at some point doesn't it reach a level where it defies the natural law? Or physics, or something? I know they don't consider themselves "reality-based," but this shit is getting beyond even Bizarro world.