Thursday, March 24, 2005

Supreme Court Refuses to Intervene; Patricia Heaton beside herself

From CNN.Com “The court, without comment, refused to intervene after the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals twice Wednesday turned down a plea from the parents, Bob and Mary Schindler.”

I hope I never have to go through such a personal and moral struggle. But if I do, I hope that the federal government doesn’t try to intervene. I’m relieved that relative to this issue the Supreme Court is not at the beckon call of the Bush junta. Another upside is that this issue, along with the baseball steroids subterfuge, makes the fat, drunk and stupid American populace (present readers excluded of course) forget about how much their government is failing them at home and abroad.

In other news, Patricia Heaton is still flaky. Everyond loves Raymond. Raymond, not Patricia.