Saturday, June 25, 2005

"Birth Tax"

Nicholas Kristof provides a bullet liberals ought to be able to use against two conservative arguments, the notion of a $150,000 "birth tax" that, essentially, all American children owe to babies in the countries - Japan, China - which are happy to buy up American debt such as Treasury bonds.

First and foremost, the "birth tax" idea would be a great way for an aggressive liberal to hack at the Administration's thicket of lies about putting our national security first. See, these bonds are funding the American warfare state even as Bush et al keep cutting taxes. Three-fourths of our new federal debt is bought by other countries, which, as Kristof says, "gives China leverage over us, and it undermines our national security" - far more, I'd say, than the possible purchase of Unocal by a Chinese oil company.

Second, the "birth tax" idea would also be an excellent way to undermine the Administration's claim that, fiscally, it's just lookin' out for the little guy by cuttin' taxes and shrinkin' the gubmint. Saddling the next generation with a $150k debt to foreign countries is the height of callous leadership - and, in this case, leadership that weakens America.

C'mon, guys! Let's get with it. Patty Wetterling, Martin Sabo, where are you on this issue?