Monday, July 11, 2005

Breaking News: Joe Wilson is a polygamist!!!

Big news from over the weekend is the official naming of Rove as Matt Cooper's source on the Plame outing. You can read the Newsweek article here. At this point, Rove appears to be claiming that there was no intentional outing of Plame, as he never referred to her by name (only as "Wilson's wife"), and didn't know that she was a covert agent. This, as numerous other bloggers have pointed out, would be ridiculous if it weren't so likely to actually get him off the hook. Unless Joe Wilson is a polygamist, referring to "Wilson's wife" is referring to Valerie Plame. And if Rove didn't know that Plame was undercover, well, a) he still should have known better than to "out" her, and b) why didn't he step forward and clear up the "misunderstanding" before now? But if you're a regular reader of this blog, you don't even need to think before answering those questions, because the situation is clear: this is just more of the same deny, deny, deny, deceive, deceive, deceive strategy that those of us with functioning brains have come to associate with this administration. Pass the political purgative: I am full up to here with this shit.