Monday, September 19, 2005

Monday Rant - Matt's Rant

Happy Monday. Yeah, right. Ok an update on the rant. I haven't chosen a title for the Monday rant. I do like Mrant and Ratt, but I also like MMR (Matt's Monday Rant), but for the record I'm not a fan of measles, mumps or rubella. I hope to have a title next week, but that shouldn't stop the unfocused spewing that will entertain, excite and anger most of you.

As noted last week, I'll throw out some topics and ask for you to chose the preferred topic for the rant.

Today's Choices:
Emmy Awards - CBS Schlock
The Cronies - Nominations for the best/worst of Bush's political appointments.
The AL Pennant Race - Why do I let the Sox break my heart?
Priming & Painting - Why is it two steps and two products? Prell has shown us how to have a shampoo and conditioner all in one.

Vote early and often.