Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lying Liars and the House Seats They Want

So this guy Howard Kaloogian is running for the House seat in Southern California which was vacated by Duke Cunningham on account of, you know, going to jail for accepting bribes. Doesn't look like Kaloogian is much further on the up-and-up. His jingo website (which is now apparently down) features a photo - visible on Talking Points Memo, among other places - that is purportedly of Baghdad. Saith the website:

We took this photo of dowtown [sic] Baghdad while we were in Iraq. Iraq (including Baghdad) is much more calm and stable than what many people believe it to be. But, each day the news media finds any violence occurring in the country and screams and shouts about it - in part because many journalists are opposed to the U.S. effort to fight terrorism.
Trouble is, it's not Baghdad. It's not even Iraq. According to those who know about these things and can analyze the content of the picture, it's probably a small town in Turkey. Ahh. Ethics in action. I can't wait to see how Kaloogian spins it!

UPDATE: The photo's been thoroughly debunked now, and Kaloogian has a) replaced it with a shot that's apparently from the Rashid Hotel in the Green Zone, b) apologized for the error, c) blamed an unnamed staffer for the error, and d) continued to whine and complain about the liberal media.