Add it to the pile
Sure, there's a lot of stuff to get irate about these days: Bill O'Reilly defending Nazis, Dear Leader calling for a constitutional amendment on gay marriage on the anniversary of the discovery of AIDS, the massacre in Haditha - the usual good stuff. But here's a little something extra to enjoy:
Every contract on at least one of the Uber-Bases, since April 2006, has a "No Sex Slavery" section. This is actually required (Maybe as a late reponse to DynCorp abuses in other theatres, or more likely because of a different scandal that never hit the press). And it is not just a 'Dude, I totally promise I won't buy a sex slave while I am here' but more than a page devoted to combating all the various loopholes by which one could acquire a sex slave under contract.
Awesome, no? You can see the lingo here. Wonder what little episode prompted that requirement. (via TMW)
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