Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Twittery on the Potomac

The folks at Political Animal are doing a nice job analyzing the GOP's colossal displays of idiocy on Capitol Hill, especially the gay marriage amendment. Its failure to pass (again!) led one Repug to say,

"We were hoping to get over 50 percent, but that didn't happen today," said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., one of the amendment's supporters. "Eventually, Congress is going to have to catch up to the wisdom of the American people or the American people will change Congress for the better."
Uh, yeah. Steve Benen adds:
Well, at least this nonsense is behind us, right? Wrong. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he plans to bring this same silly amendment to the floor next month, despite the fact that it already lost in the Senate.

Well, at least the Senate can get back to substantive policy issues, right? Wrong. Next up: flag-burning.

And beyond that, rising from the dead like Frankestein's monster, is Social Security deform! House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Jim McCrery (R [duh]-LA) sketches out the GOP's plans from 2007 through 2010: "Looking at the lay of the land politically and substantively, it seems to me the more logical order would be Social Security, then tax reform, then healthcare reform." Again, Steve Benen:

I think it's only fair that Democrats help Rep. McCrery and House Republicans by letting as many Americans as possible know about exactly what they'd like to do next year, if they keep their majorities in Congress. It's getting some press, but gifts like these don't come along very often and Democrats would be foolish not to take advantage.

Hear, hear! Tell all your conservative friends and relations that the Republicans - if they are sent back to D.C. this fall - plan to ignore Iraq, gas costs, stagnant economic growth, vulnerability to terror, and myriad other problems in favor of addressing again issues which aren't even crises or which they can "solve" through massive giveaways to the rich and the corporate. It'll be morning again in America! I'm shopping for red-white-and-blue suspenders as we speak.