Friday, December 30, 2005

Friday Poetry Blogging - Year End Edition

We started the Friday Poetry Blogging last November, and now seems like a good time to take a look back at the year-in-poetry. It's a pretty nice anthology, I think: a decent sampling of the classic and modern, the known and the obscure. We hope you've enjoyed it. Here's to another year of great poems.

The Loch Ness Monster's Song (Morgan); Ancient Music (Pound); Death of a Naturalist (Heaney); Sonnet XCI (Shakespeare); Outdoor Hum for Snowy Weather (Milne); Variations on The Night Before Christmas (various); Cat (Tolkien); Sonnet XCIV (Shakespeare); all ignorance toboggans into know (cummings); Anthem for Doomed Youth (Owen); Everyone Sang (Sassoon); Football (Jenkins); Sonnet CXIII (Shakespeare); Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour (Stevens); To My First White Hairs (Soyinka); The Rose Family (Frost); Jabberwocky (Carroll); In Just- (cummings); Much Madness is Divinest Sense (Dickinson); Smoke (Thoreau); The Subway Piranhas (Morgan); This is Just to Say/Ode to a Baby/O Captain My Captain (Williams/Nash/Whitman); Everything Changes/The Leader/You Took Away All the Oceans (Herbert/McGough/Mandelstam); Ragwort/Stars and Planets/Wet Evening in April (Stevenson/MacCaig/Kavanagh); Excerpt from The Kalevala (unknown); The Uncertainty of the Poet (Cope); The Merry Minuet (Harnick); from In Memoriam A.H.H. (Tennyson); love is more thicker than forget (cummings); Brazil (Bishop); Three Poems by Dickinson (Dickinson); Homage to my Hips (Clifton); The Narrator (O'Callaghan); The Long War (Lee); The Liars (Sandburg); Un Arbre (Esteban); The Best Time of the Day (Carver); Excerpt from The Pardoner's Tale (Chaucer/Baba); Whole Love (Graves); The Shield of Achilles (Auden); Matins (Glück); The Angel's Retirement Speech (Farnsworth); Time (Shelley); I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing (Whitman); The Red Wheelbarrow (Williams); Autumn (Rilke); The Second Coming (Yeats); Circe's Grief (Glück); Indwelling (Brown); An Afternoon in the Stacks (Oliver); Trail All Your Pikes (Finch); I am Cherry Alive (Schwartz); Chemin de Fer (Bishop); November/Too Much Snow (Jenkins); Let America Be America Again (Hughes); Winter (Shakespeare); Carol of the Field Mice (Grahame)